Destinations & Sights

The Best Offroad Destinations

If you are looking for some great day-trip destinations in and around the Clarenville region, take a look at the following destinations below.

Clarenville Town Access Points

The Town of Clarenville is located along the NL T’railway some 198 km along the route. The Discovery Trail Snowmobile Assoc. and the Town of Clarenville have partnered to improve trail access to the Town while enhancing rider safety by creating a bypass trail around the eastern and western entrances to the Town.

Clarenville Perimeter Tour

Take a tour around perimeter of Clarenville. This 46km tour brings from Clarenville westward on the T’railway to Trynor’s Pit, around the White Hills Forestry Road, along the LIL power line and back to Clarenville along the Trailway.

Clarenville to B36 Crash Site

In March of 1953, a giant RB36 Peacemaker crashed in the hills above Burgoyne’s Cove killing 23 airmen. The crash site is accessible by a 1.5 km trail. Take a 72 km trail from Clarenville to the trail leading to the Crash site.

The Cormack Trail Loop

The 78 km Cormack Trail loop takes you along the Bonavista branch of the former NL railway from Clarenville, along the shores of Smith Sound through Georges Brook/Milton to Lethbridge. From there, the trail heads inland along Sexton’s Road to intersect with the TransCanada Highway and the T’railway at Thorburn Lake.

Clarenville to Argentia

Join us as we take the Trailway from Clarenville to Argentia.

Clarenville to Kepenkeck Lake

In this video we travel the approximately 110 km route from Clarenville to Terra Nova village and then up through the Terra Nova River valley to Kepenkeck lake.

Clarenville to Trinity

In this video we’ll take a route that brings us to the historic and picturesque town of Trinity. This 180 km return trip takes us along the Bonavista branch of the T’railway to Lethbridge, then along forestry roads to Trinity.

Clarenville to Sabena Crash Site

Come along for a ride from Clarenville to the Sabena Crash site 3km south of Gander – 135km from Clarenville.

Clarenville to Terra Nova Village

The 55 km T’railway corridor between Clarenville and the Village of Terra Nova is a popular off-road route for ATVers and bikers. The route extends northwest through the scenic Shoal Harbour valley though the Thorburn lake cottage area, on to Port Blandford and the popular Terra Nova Golf resort, across the Southwest river and inland to the picturesque Terra Nova village.

Clarenville to Southwest River Falls

The Southwest river flows from through a valley west of Thorburn Lake and empties into the sea at Port Blandford. The Southwest River Falls is a hidden gem that is located approximately 8 km up from the river’s mouth. You can hike to the falls starting at the Labrador Island Link Power Line (LIL) near Thorburn Lake.

A proud partnership of:
The Town of Clarenville & Discovery Trail Association 
